Course curriculum

    1. Syllabus

    2. Extra Credit Project

    3. Week by Week Schedule

    4. Preview Copy of Text

    5. Course Summary

    1. Week 1 Activity

    2. Information Security Overview

    3. C002 Week 1 Intro & Security Properties

    4. C002 week 1 CH2

    5. Information Assurance Overview

    6. week 1 CIA

    7. Crypto Course Summary

    8. ch02

    1. Week 2 Activity

    2. Fiestel Des

    3. Block Crypto Modes

    4. DES

    5. Block Cypher Mode

    6. Project 1 - DES - Individual

    1. AES

    2. Ch 4 Number Theory

    3. Week 3 CH05 AES

    4. ch04 Finite Math

    5. Week 3 Activity

    1. Week 4 Activity

    2. Number theory pt2

    3. Number Theory pt3

    4. Public Key Cryptography

    5. Week 4 Number Theory pt2

    6. Week 4 RSA

    7. Project 2

    1. Week 5 Activity

    2. Week 5 RSA 2

    3. Public Key Cert

    4. Review RSA and MAC (Just RSA Review for today)

    5. wk3 Public Key Cryptography

About this course

  • Free
  • 73 lessons
  • 21.5 hours of video content